Fit of the Water Pan

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Walt Travers


I hope that this subject has not been addressed before -- I have not seen it.

I have just purchased a WSM to replace or augment my present smoking apparatus, a NBBD offset. My wife says "replace".

Upon completion of the assembly process, I noticed that the water pan does not sit on the support flanges by its rim, but the flanges seem to grip the sides of the pan slightly below the rim, as though the pan was too large in diameter (by some 1/4" or so). Is this a common phenomena? Can I correct this by forcing the flanges outwards?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Sespe Pete

[This message has been edited by Walt Travers (edited 06-21-2001).]
The fit of the water pan is kind of sketchy, even in the best of circumstances. What matters is that it's stable enough that it won't fall through to the hot coals below.

If you feel you can get a more stable fit by adjusting the tabs at the end of the 4 support flanges, then do it. However, I would first put the pan in place and fill it with a gallon of water, then see how secure it is. In most cases it will be just fine.

Chris --

I went home and applied a few judicious nudges to the flanges and... viola! the pan dropped right in. Thanks.

It would appear, that Weber did not get overly generous with the lip on that pan, as even when the flange did fit right under the lip, it was just a matter of millimeters.

Anyway, thanks for the help and I'll be breaking the WSM in on Saturday with a couple of racks of spares.

Sespe Pete
Good luck on your maiden WSM voyage! Regarding the water pan, some have found using the Brinkman pan to be an improvement, both in terms of water capacity and stability in the cooker. If you haven't seen it already, check out Water Pan Modifications for details.

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