First turkey help


Brian Lambert

New member
I'm doing my first turkey today. A small one, 9 lbs on the button. I want to do the high heat, empty water pan method. All I have for wood is hickory, red oak, and cherry. I'm thinking of going all cherry. How much charcoal should I use and what do you think about cook time for this small bird?
Cherry is what I use on my birds. 9 lbs I'd guess 3 - 3.5 hours if you're going 325ish. I'd use a full ring of charcoal, may not use it all but better to be safe than having to fuss with adding fuel.
Any of the woods you've listed will work! I like hickory and any fruit wood with turkeys! 1 unlit, one lit chimney should get the bird done! BUT, like Larry said, it's better to have too much than not enough, so don't be afraid to add more in the beginning!
Thank you I went all cherry and 1 chunk oak tasted good but I think more wood next time playing it safe for a 1st time bird
Not much that looks better than a smoked bird. Great job! I usually use fruit woods for my turks, last one was apple and peach. Hickory, to me, can get a little strong. Either way, yours looks great!
Like Mike R, I have always been afraid to use hickory on turkey, but I use it all the time on everything else.

But if Larry Wolfe says hickory is good on turkeys, that's good enough for me.

I will try it with one of the birds setting in my freezer.

