First real smoke (Pics included)



Been really busy with work and social obligations and haven't had a chance to do a real cook since getting my WSM 22.5 in September. I'm off all weekend and decided to appease the BBQ gods in hopes of ensuring a Saints victory and Panthers loss. ( I can't believe I have to root for the Dirty Birds). I decided to do a couple of butts since the local grocery store had a really good sale on them. Started trimming the meat around 10:30PM. I was hoping to get them on around midnight, but it was still raining. I injected with Chris Lilly's recipe and put the butts back in the fridge. The rain stopped at around 1:00ish and I fired up the chimney and took the meat out and rubbed with Plowboys Bovine. I loaded up the charcoal to capacity (around 20lbs.) with KBB blue. I put 2 chunks of Pecan and 2 Apple (one of the apple chunks was huge). After adding the chimney to the unlit KBB(modified Minion), I ran wide open until the dome temp hit 250. I then closed the bottom vents to 25%. I'm hoping to cook this between 250-275; so they'll be ready by around halftime of the early games (around 2PM CST). The meat hit the grill around 1:30AM. I figure 2PM should be doable at around my temp. Testing out the Maverick as well. I hope my dome thermometer is one of the accurate ones. Thanks for all the insight I'm gained from this forum to give me the confidence to attempt this cook. I'll keep you guys posted.

Great Price!!!!

So Pretty!!!

Trmmed up

Fat caps and assorted trimmings

All dressed and ready for the dance

Didn't get any meat on the grill shots because I didn't want to get to keep the lid off that long. I had to arrange the Maverick (1st time using). It's time to relax though!!

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After almost 2 hours. About a 5 degree difference between dome temp and Maverick probe stuck through a piece of potato on the top grate. I can live with that.

8 hours in. Not going to foil. Just turned and spritzed. Holding at 180 with the a 255 temp. Figure I have a few more hours.

The butts came out great. I had a dip in temp after 10 hours and had to add a half a chimney to finish the cook. Thanks to this great site which helped me accomplish this. Sorry, no pics.

