First cook on WSM 18.5" - just brats, but it went well...


Jason Paul

TVWBB Member
Finally after buying the WSM 18.5" over two months ago, I was finally able to fire it up. Didn't have the time for a long cook, but just wanted to build a fire in the thing, so I bought some uncooked brats last weekend. I couldn't do them then, but finally got a chance last night. In the dark. Also it rained Saturday night, so the whole area was wet & muddy.

Knowing the cook would only be about an hour, I only filled the charcoal ring about halfway and a few handfuls of hickory chips (don't have chunks on hand), and started with 20 briquettes in the chimney. That wasn't quite enough since the heat slowed quite a bit at about 175 (lid temp). I added about another 25 unlit, which brought it up to a little over 200. I added 15-20 more, and it got to about 275 by the lid thermometer, which was 325 on my oven thermometer I had placed on the grill. So, about 50 degrees difference, which is line with what I've read here.

A little before it hit 275, I had closed two of the bottom vents to about 1/4. The third bottom vent and top vent stayed open the whole time.

Also I used a foiled, empty water pan.

Meanwhile, I put some olive oil on the brats, and made a quick rub of paprika, salt, pepper, and chili powder.

The WSM seemed pretty steady at 275, so I put them on. I checked the WSM temp again about 20 minutes later, and it was still at 275. I let them go about another 30 minutes, and the WSM stayed at 275 the whole time. I checked them at that point, and the IT of the brats was just over 180, so pulled them off.

They tasted good, had nice color, and there was even a bit of a smoke ring.

Next time I'll try to do a longer cook - maybe even a pork butt. I'll probably start with a half-chimney of lit charcoal on a full ring, to avoid the "false starts", and I may try closing two bottom vents all the way to keep the temperature a little lower. I think I'd like to stay closer to 225 lid temperature, which should be closer to 275 at the grill. I'm also going to get some wood chunks; apple for sure, and maybe hickory.

Thanks for all the tips so far.


