First cook on my new Ranch Kettle.



TVWBB Wizard
My brother had a small get together over at his house so I packed up the Ranch Kettle and my Gen2 Performer to take care of the cooking duties. As this was my first time cooking on the Ranch, I had no idea what I was doing, but I didn't let a silly thing like that stand in the way.

Lined 1/2 the charcoal grate with somewhat of a single layer of coals and fired up 2 large chimneys (3/4 full) and 2 small chimneys.



Time to get things started. I dumped all the chimneys out on top of the unlit coals, trying to spread things out so I had to where I had 1 layer of lit coals on top of the layer of unlit. Next, time to load up the first round of proteins, 24 hamburgers and 13 split chicken breasts (marinated in a sesame ginger bottled concoction). I started off by placing the burgers on the right side of the grate, then spun the grate so that the burgers were over the coals. Then I put the chicken on indirect.


All three bottom vents and the top vent were at 1/2. I put the top down for a few mins to let the magic happen. Opened it up and saw that the burgers were cooking very quickly so I immediately started flipping them. I put the top back down for a few more minutes. Pulled the top up again and saw that the chicken was cooking nicely and the pieces had shrunk. I moved them all to the front right quadrant then moving all the burgers from over the coals and started stacking them on the back right to stay warm while the rest of food was cooked.

Next, time for 18 Ribeyes to go on over direct heat. I closed the lid and gave the steaks a few minutes to cook. I then decided to pull the burgers, and put on the other 14 chicken breasts that were marinated in Italian dressing and Worcestershire sauce. I also flipped the ribeyes. After a few more minutes went by, I checked the ribeyes and pulled some that were ready.


At some point during this cook, I fired up another 3/4 of a large chimney for my Performer. When those coals were ready and dumped, I threw on 2 packs of Hebrew Nationals and a pack of Purnell's Bratwurst to cook indirectly as I really didn't have time to give them much attention.

Man, what a fun and exciting cook. I was completely clueless about quite a few things in regards to the Ranch and it definitely showed. Many, many mistakes and miscalculations were made, but in the end, everybody loved what came off of it. Though I have to say that 10 or so people made it through the serving line before the Italian marinated chicken made it to the serving table. ;D ;D
Well done. I have a ranch we use every summer for family get togethers. It sits dormant the rest of the time, while I dream of using it for cooks like yours.
Great first cook on the Ranch Kettle (were all jealous ).
I see you looking for charcoal sales is in your future.... haha

Wow. That cook looks amazing. Hard to imagine just how big that kettle is until you see it loaded up like that. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks all !!!

Great first cook on the Ranch Kettle (were all jealous ).
I see you looking for charcoal sales is in your future.... haha


Yeah, I ended up going through a full 18.x# bag between the RK and the Performer, but I used too much. RK was running way hotter than I should have had it.
Congrats on your Ranch Kettle Dave!!! Some nice cooks for it's inaugural run too
from the looks of that cook, i'll bet you were busier than a one armed paper hanger!

Thanks for sharing!

Keep on smokin',
Dave great cook, I can not imagine a grill big enough to cook 18 ribeyes, plus all those chicken breats cooking at one time that thing is huge.
I have only ever seen a ranch working at the Weber Grill in Indy, they are impressive.
Wow! That sure is one heckuva' cooking rig - particularly if you frequently cook for crowds.

I'm picturing one with a Twin or Triple-Spit Rotisserie - that would be Da' Bomb for mondo yard-bird!

Looks like you're really having some fun with your new toy.
congrats on your first cook. The RK is a beast and I'm sure with as much KBB you had in there it was a fire breathing dragon. :ranchkettle: Like others have said I usually only use one maybe two chimneys for my RK cooks. Either way, great cook! Looks like it would have been a lot fun. Cant wait to see posts of the second cook ;)

