First Butt



TVWBB Super Fan
OK, first pork butt!! Picked this up at the local market here Saturday morning. 9 lb butt, bone in.

Slathered with mustard and then covered wit a combo of rubs I had sitting around.


2 pieces of pecan and 4 pieces of apple wood for the smoke.


Butt on!!!


Put this on around 7:30 PM last night. First time running the WSM overnight, so was a bit nervous. Set the Maverick to keep track of it though. Was expecting, based on the 2 lb/hr cooking, for this to take about 18 hours. Woke up around 2 AM and had to open a vent to get the temp up to about 250'ish. Was running a bit low. Then again, got up at 5:30 and the coals were all but gone, though still hot. Grate temp on the Maverick was around 214F. Pulled the whole top assembly and added half a ring of lump. Took about 5 minutes and the fire was starting to go again. Replaced the top half and thats when things started getting hairy!! Grate temp shot to 300F so fast. Was not expecting it at all. Spent the next 2 hours trying to get the temp back down. Butt temp was holding steady though, 180F, which made me a little more at ease. Finally had all bottom vents closed off and figured, meh.... Hopped on my newly acquired road bike and went for a 20 km ride in the country. When I came back, grate temp was a beautiful 235'ish and the butt was at 201F. Pulled off the WSM, foiled and then placed in the oven, not on, to rest while making breakfast for the family.

About an hour later, butt was at about 170F. And this is what it looked like:


Fork went through like butter and the bone pulled clean out. Just beautiful. Awesome smoke ring and the pork was so damned tasty!! Pulled it and placed into container for dinner later.

My biggest issue was the timing of this thing. Was done so early that I thought I may have screwed it up and cooked it too fast. Was done at like 8:30 AM. Was expecting, based on the 2 hours/lb rule of thumb, to be done around 1-2 PM, let it sit and then have it still hot for dinner. Oh well though. One thing I have learned from you all here, it is done when it is done.

Made the #5 sauce recipe here, with drippings, and we had an awesome dinner!! Everyone loved it, especially the kids. Also made some apple smoked chicken drumsticks on the grill, which were awesome too. Along with some corn, potatoes and home made slaw for plates, and of course the pork sammies!!

Plated sandwich pic!! (Not the clearest, but you get the idea!):


The sauce and slaw on the pork was just fantastic. Great flavour. Awesome smoke and just a great all around cook!!

Thanks for looking! Will be doing another one in 2 weeks when we have a larger family get together here.

Looks great. Cooking at 250ish your looking at 1-1.5 hrs/lb. 2 hrs/lb your cooking in the lower 200's
Great work Derek. Yeah, once the WSM gets going, keep the lid on as much as possible. A little oxygen gets the fire going!
Excellent job Derek. I'll take a plate. What is the "Made the #5 sauce recipe here, with drippings,"? Where can I find that. Did a search but came up empty. Never mind found it once I added "drippings".
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Kudos on your first butt, you did it up right! I run my WSM right at 250 degrees, takes a bit over an hour per pound usually.

