First brisket on performer with smokenator



TVWBB Member
Took a list minute trip to Wal-Mart, and for some reason had brisket on my mind. Went by and saw that they had the whole slab, or whatever the term is, forgive my ignorance. Anyway I bought it, along with some Weber Smokey Mesquite seasoning and brought it home. Trimmed the fat, seasoned with salt first, then Weber seasonings and let it sit. Now I got the grill ready, added more apple chunks (5 or 6) this time since last time I barely saw smoke.

Just as I was setting the top grill on after dumping in the lit coals(12 lit, 48 unlit), the bottom coal grate slipped out, thankfully everything stayed still but I couldn't put it back in place. Anyhow, I plan to leave it in there til 195 degrees. Not gonna bother with wrapping, I'll do that when it comes out. Any other tips?! AAAH!
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My only tip is to keep it as indirect as possible. I gave a friend my OTG when I found my platinum and he cooked a Full Packer like yours. It was really good but I probably told him to not trim the fat at all, and it had a kind of gross gray fat after we separated the point & flat.

This has made me consider separating the point (the small fattier piece) from the flat (the bigger flatter piece) at or near the that can render or develop a crust

Here's a Virtual Brisket:

What smoke wood are you using? (Apple)

Looks like you have the smokenator so You're Set!

:Keep the pics coming, & remember, we want some sliced.
After a 20 minute pre-heating it got up to 226, I put the brisket in and probed it, refilled the water, and saw the wood was burning with a high flame. Closed it all up and the flames died down, temp shot up to 260 which I figured would happen because I opened lid and it gets all that oxygen, happened last time. I closed top vents to half way, I'm leaving it alone for now. Slapping myself for not taking a picture of the brisket in the grill and the probe. I have probe along the edge of the grill, probably not the best place but I couldn't put elsewhere. It's about 1 inch from the meat too :/ Do you guys foil the coal grate when using a smokenator?

Thanks Clint!

Yes, and I got my temp to warn me when it goes below 200, at which point I'll get up and add coals and give them a stir. I'll probably check again before then to add water and stir, or I may go to sleep, who knows haha.

Already got warned that it went over 275 :( at 277 now, 10 mins after closing lid.
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After 20 minute pre-heat before putting brisket in.


just after closing lid with brisket inside


temp is saying 284, gonna close the top and bottom just a TINY TINY bit and go back to relaxing, I hope lol
I was unable to move the bottom at all since the bottom grate had slipped, I guess it's pinning the cleaning system. Closed the top just a bit, it's been coasting at 291 for a few now... guess I can live with that, sigh.
For record keeping purposes, preheat started at 12:46 w/top vents full, brisket went in at 1:06 @ 226F and moved vents to half, it's now 1:36 @ 291F vents 1/3 open. Bottom vent 1 pencil width open the whole time, and can't be changed this time lol.
Well I got woken up by the low temp alarm when it went under 215F. Had no idea what to expect, but very happy that it LOOKS really good, who knows what it's really like though. Added maybe 10 coals and stirred around. There was very few still glowing when I stirred, surprised temp was even 214... also added hot water to pan, then closed up. You can see where my probes are now. Internal temp 162F. I may just finish in oven, it appears to have gotten it's smoked flavor as it is.


Wrapped at 162F where it was stuck and put in oven at 250F. A little over an hour later it's at 187F. I'll turn oven off at 195F internal and let it rest in there.
It hit 203 after I turned it off, now I have the oven cracked open as I went to Publix to get some items. :D
Remember that just because you don't see smoke, does not mean that smoke is not getting to the meat.
A part of smoking the meat is chemical reaction that is not visible. Your brisket looks really good. How was it?
Looks good so far and waiting for the cut and of course the taste! Keep the pics coming.
Guys.... Oh my gosh.... I can't believe I made this myself... It was perfect!! It was so juicy and tender, it had great seasoning and smoke flavor, and hints of that melt in your mouth fat cap. OH MY! What a success, I'm so happy!
Thanks guys!

I did, I made sure. Perhaps the angle could have been better, but the grain was growing towards tip of the triangle where I started my slicing.
This thread was great to follow. Jonny...well done! I've never done a brisket, and want to attempt one on my performer sometime. This was awesome to watch, and the food looks great.

