First Attempt at ABTs



So, of course they were too hot for the DW, so I ended up eating them by myself. I read on this forum at some point, that it is impossible to make too many ABTs. Well, I can tell you that is not true. LOL

I did them on the Performer, cause it's a bit easier than firing up the WSM. They were awesome, and boy were they ever hot! I purchased the jalapenos at Wally-World. They must grow special peppers in China. ;)


Nice ABT's, what did you use to stuff them ? Next time remove all the seeds and membrane inside the peppers and they won't be as hot - unless you like them hot.
I stuffed them with a mixture of cream cheese and a little bit of monterey jack. Topped them with a little smokie, and wrapped in Oscar Meyer bacon. I did remove the seeds, but probably left a little too much membrane behind. The DW is eating them now, just not the jalapeno. :D They are nice and smoky.
They look great and i would happily finish them off for you. Maybe try a milder pepper like poblanos next time.
ABT's are one of those things I've been meaning to try but haven't had a chance yet. I may have to start with a.poblano.though.
Thanks! I really, really, enjoyed them. I just had another one before I put the leftovers in the fridge. I am so stuffed with ABTs, that I nearly gagged! :D
Great lookin cook. Welcome to the abt addiction! Scrape all the membranes next time--- that will tone it down:)
ABT's are one of those things I've been meaning to try but haven't had a chance yet. I may have to start with a.poblano.though.

If you get the seeds and all the membranes out jalapeño and poblano peppers are pretty similar in heat, IMO.

Either way, they're AWESOME!
As others have said, get out the seeds and remove all the membrane.
If they are still too hot, soak split peppers overnight in sugar water. Don't know why, but they don't come out sweet.

ABT's are one of those things I've been meaning to try but haven't had a chance yet. I may have to start with a.poblano.though.

I did some the other day on the grill. Because MY wife can't take the jalapenos, I used a nice Anaheim for hers. Wouldn't you know it -- the hottest Anaheims we've had! She couldn't deal with it at all. So next try for her will be the Poblanos. Personally, I thought they were ALL great! This time I used a mix of cheddar, Monterey Jack, Asiago and even a little blue cheese wrapped up in a slice of baked ham (deli slice) and crammed into whole, hollowed out chilis. No bacon wrap. Spiced with a little cumin, chili powder, garlic powder and onion powder, they were really good.

Vern, for a first attempt and for any attempt of a lifetime, those ABTs look fantastic! Maybe I'll let you in on a secret (or maybe you already know). Most of us are familiar with "chili rellenos" from the Mexican restaurants. The secret is that "chili rellenos" means "stuffed chilis". So while the Mexican restaurant is one version (and granted, the accepted version), so are ABTs. And any other stuffed chili. And the differences are what make them all so good!

Edit: BTW. If you just can't (or your significant other can't) handle chilis, you can simply split a bulbous sweet green pepper four ways and fill with the same options. Not the same naturally, but they're still great. This is where the chili powder can really help.

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Thanks Rich, and thanks all for the comments and tips. Loads of good information in this thread. I just finished the last of them. We had a very light dinner, so I warmed up the remaining ABTs to start with. They were really good, even after being in the fridge overnight. I feel another batch coming on!

I did some the other day on the grill. Because MY wife can't take the jalapenos, I used a nice Anaheim for hers. Wouldn't you know it -- the hottest Anaheims we've had! She couldn't deal with it at all. So next try for her will be the Poblanos. Personally, I thought they were ALL great! This time I used a mix of cheddar, Monterey Jack, Asiago and even a little blue cheese wrapped up in a slice of baked ham (deli slice) and crammed into whole, hollowed out chilis. No bacon wrap. Spiced with a little cumin, chili powder, garlic powder and onion powder, they were really good.

Vern, for a first attempt and for any attempt of a lifetime, those ABTs look fantastic! Maybe I'll let you in on a secret (or maybe you already know). Most of us are familiar with "chili rellenos" from the Mexican restaurants. The secret is that "chili rellenos" means "stuffed chilis". So while the Mexican restaurant is one version (and granted, the accepted version), so are ABTs. And any other stuffed chili. And the differences are what make them all so good!

Edit: BTW. If you just can't (or your significant other can't) handle chilis, you can simply split a bulbous sweet green pepper four ways and fill with the same options. Not the same naturally, but they're still great. This is where the chili powder can really help.


