Finishing too fast?



New member
Smoking 2 pork butts right now. First time doing two. Gonna slice one and pull the other, but that's neither here nor there.

The total package was about 16 lbs, and I'm getting one of my butts at 173 already and it's only been about 8 hours. Aren't these supposed to take roughly 90 minutes per? I might have been a little hot since I was running about 240 at the port and 210 on the lid, and I did spike up once when I opened a vent instead of closing it, but that's not explaining just how fast this is all happening. Didn't even have a stall, really. I'm confused. Is this "just one of those things?"

My last pork butt came out fast too, and I think my brisket, too. Can't complain about the results tho', both were excellent.
Well said Tye. Finishing early beats finishing late for sure! Take that butt, wrap it up tight and stick it in a cooler if you're not ready to pull it yet. If you don't have a cooler you can preheat an oven to about 200F and then turn it off, and put the butt in there instead of the cooler.
I have always done the towel wrapped into a cooler method for my butts. The bark seemed to suffer for the experience, though. Last weekend's smoke I tried simply letting the meat sit on the counter for 30 minutes under an aluminum tent. WOW! What a huge improvement in the bark. No more cooler prison for my butts from now on.

