EXCELLENT price on Food Saver


Keri C

TVWBB Wizard
I realize that I posted this down in the Gadgets section, but not everybody scans that on a regular basis, and this is an important find that I wanted to pass to as many as possible while the deal was on. $169.99 Food Saver kit, on for $99, and down to $59.99 with the magic PROMO code. PLUS free shipping today! See my post at http://tvwbb.infopop.cc/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/8850071165/m/8770069585.

Merry Christmas! (Chris, please forgive my double post, but lots of these new kids NEED this!

-Keri C
the accessories alone are worth most of that; i pay $30 at walmart for a 2 pack of 11" rolls, and I'm sure jars are another couple bucks.
Thanks...called in an order, the code is for 'online orders only' but for $74 he would throw in three more free rolls and place my order by phone.

