Duck nuggets


Michael Berry

Marinated chunks of duck breast along with home grown jalepeno, serrano peppers and water chestnuts for about a day and a half, wrapped with a small piece of bacon and pick't...

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Cooked over direct medium heat until the bacon was good and done and..............

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Took a little test bite..

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Got lazy and used a store bout marinade...Allegro but it is good stuff.
That looks dang good.
The Allegro is good stuff. The Hot and Spicey Allegro goes especially well with duck.

Now that's what I 'm talking about! Something out of the ordinary and it looks incredible in those photos. Also looks like you nailed the doneness of the duck.
What a great idea! I've been thinking about smoking/roasting a duck in my WSM, but this is completely different.
Those look great!!! I have made them using wild duck and wild goose breast and they turn out fantastic too!
Mmmm...I'd set that plate on my lap while I sit next to a cooler of icy cold beer and then....well you get the idea. ;) Incredible looking cook, Michael!

