Done too soon? Need a couple quick answers


Mike Gray

TVWBB Super Fan
So I'm making a 13.5 pound packer (about 11 pounds after the trim)today HH method and it's been a little over 4 hours. The heat was pretty high on the lid (365+) and the grate 380 for most of the cook. The smoker was in direct sun so it was a little hotter than expected. I tested for doneness and the probe went into the point like warm butter all the way around and through most of the flat the same way but go a little resistance right in the middle of the flat. Its foiled in a pan and the temps are reading in the upper 190's. I'm shocked that it came to temp and was this tender so fast. All the directions say it should take about 2 to 2.5 prefoil and another 2 to 2.5 in the foil. Is it possible this is done at 4 hours and 15 minutes or should I wait to pull it?
I had this problem yesterday, albeit I was cooking low and slow. But basically, mine finished a good 4 hours earlier than expected. I triple foiled the brisket, and put it in a cooler wrapped in towels for the four hours, turned out perfect. If it's probe tender, pull it! You don't want a burnt brisket.
Yep I've had a few done in 4.5 hrs. If your happy with the tender feel in the middle of the flat, than remove the foil and let some of that heat escape before you hold it till dinner. An empty microwave or barely warmed oven works also for holding.

I pulled it with that same fear. How long did you rest it before wrapping it?

I really didn't let it rest before wrapping, as I didn't want it to cool down before foiling it. I put it in the foil/cooler right from the smoker, and I let it rest a bit later when I pulled it from the cooler. If you're
I pulled it with that same fear. How long did you rest it before wrapping it?

I really didn't let it rest before wrapping, as I didn't want it to cool down before foiling it. I put it in the foil/cooler right from the smoker, and I let it rest a bit later when I pulled it from the cooler. If you're planning on doing burnt ends, I'd say take it out of the cooler about 1/2 an hour before you're ready to serve, and cook the chopped up point over high direct heat for about 15 to 20 minutes.

