Division Weekend coming up. What you cooking for football 🏈 this weekend?



TVWBB Olympian
Looking for inspiration for this weekend’s playoffs. What you got cooking up? What’s a must make that’s worth eating?

3. 2. 1. Go!
I’m thinking of a Sicilian pie. Or cast iron pies customized for our company.

Maybe some bahn mi pork sandwiches?
Looking to do some chicken kebabs and a chimichurri, some kid friendly stuff too.
Got the boys a Bosa and Kittle jersey, hoping this becomes a memorable season for them, setting that NINER hook for life!
Looking to do some chicken kebabs and a chimichurri, some kid friendly stuff too.
Got the boys a Bosa and Kittle jersey, hoping this becomes a memorable season for them, setting that NINER hook for life!
I'll be wearing 85 and my kid will be wearing 97.

GO Niners!
Working too much lately so haven't given it much thought. Ribs/Chicken or Pulled Pork might work on Sunday. I still have some bottled Peri Peri that I could also use up.

Tomorrow might be a Gumbo day if wifey approves. Weather in St Louis currently in a gray/cold/cloudy pattern which is good for Gumbo... put on some Zydeco music and make your own sunshine right?? ;)
I’m going to go old school Texas style on my St Lou’s today. SP only. And spritz with some concoction of AJ, ACV, water and maple syrup. Need to blend the liquids in a sample bowl to taste the profile. Seeking that light balance of savory with a hint of sweet.

And a Caesar salad on the side. Might add a dish of cowboy baked beans too. Just woke up so I have time to make decisions.


