Creekstone farms brisket



New member
Just thought I would post some pics of the brisket delivered today. I couldn't find any real good photos of the way it was shipped or looked like on arrival in other postings. I purchased the 14-16lbs brisket and used a online code to get a box of 6 burgers free if you spend over $100. I spent $129.99 shipped. It arrived in two days after ordering and was frozen. They packed gel ice packs in carton to keep it cold. I plan on cooking it For July 4th. I usually cook choice briskets I get from smart and final, but thought I would try one of the creekstone briskets to compare. I will try to get picks of the cook posted after the 4th.

They call it a "Master chef prime whole brisket". The meat looks nicely marbled. I also located a nice place in Orange called "the wood shed" I will be picking up some oak this week.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the brisket.
OC Wood Shed... great place.

Wishing you an Excellent July 4th brisket !
I've cook many of creek stone. Good stuff. My best results have been keeping it simple with the rub and wrapping it around the 160 mark for that big beefy taste
Hello, 4th of July was a success. I cooked the 12.5lb creekstone trimmed brisket, 15lbs of baby backs and 3lbs of salmon. The creekstone brisket was exceptional, much more tender and juicy than the choice briskets I usually cook. I smoked it using white oak from the wood shed in Orange. It did however cook very fast. I had expected a 11-13hr cook time. I put it on my 22in wsm at 1:00am @ 230 and went to sleep. I woke at 6:30am, smoker was holding at 230, but internal temp was 170. I pulled and wrapped in butcher paper. It was at 203 by 11:30am. I was forced to let it cool slightly and then wrapped in foil and store in cooler for a couple hours. I feel the brisket would have had a much better bark if it had not cooked so quickly, forcing me to hold it in the cooler. Stuck with Franklins video, just using salt and pepper as my rub. Everyone enjoyed the brisket and it was wiped, so no left overs. The ribs turned good, I squeezed 5 racks into my 18in wsm top rack using a rib rack. Strangely enough, I should have cooked more salmon. They couldn't get enough of the fresh sockeye filets off the performer. I only got a couple of photos, none of the actual finished product however. I was hosting the party with about 25 guests, Bbq'ing, making coleslaw, beans, etc.....then I was also in charge of the fireworks. I will try and post pics later. I now understand the need for a bbq team at events, it's a lot of work especially in 90 degree heat.

