cook time pork butt roast 4.7 lb ?



any rough guestimates on cook time on the WSM at around 250 ish?

what internal temp should I target?


I am usually smoking butts in the 6-8 lb range @265-275 and I plan on a 10 hours on the smoker. So I would think 8hrs +\- would be a good guess. As far as internal temp, I always pull mine off when it hits an internal temp (taken at the center of the largest section of the roast) of 190*, double wrap in foil! double wrap with hand towels and let it rest in a small cooler for at least 45 minutes. Another way to tell if the butt is ready to come off the smoker, is when you insert your temp probe, it should slide in and out with little resistance and come out clean like a toothpick when a cake is done.
Good luck, and I hope I've helped a little bit...
It also depends a lot on the mass/thickness of the meat. You could have a thicker 5lb butt that could take longer than a thinner 7lb'r. But 7-8 hrs @ 250* should be a close ballpark time for that size. I go for 195-200 IT, as Tim said use a therm probe to check tenderness also. Post pictures of your cook
any harm in seasoning it up and injecting it tonight and then let sit in the fridge till morning. I'll wrap it up or course.


None at all, in fact,(I don't inject but) that's the way I do my butts. Trim and apply the rub the night before and place in the fridge until about an hour before is fire up the smoker.
I did 2 four pound butts on my 18.5 last weekend at 225 to 250 range. I put them on at just before 3:00 AM and by 9:00 AM they were in the stall temp range at about 172. From 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM my butts only went up to 174 and I began to grow impatient so I decided to foil wrap them both. Within an hour to an hour and 15 minutes they had reached 196 and were ready to remove.

Basically the moral of the story is that the butts will take as long as they take and depending on a ton of factors (Florida humidity in my case) the stall can drag out for hours. This was my first time wrapping the butts and I think that they were juicier and more moist than any cooks I have ever done prior. This method will now be my go to from here on out as everyone raved about how good the meat was, more so than usual.
Great advice above. 250*F is a good target temp. 275*F is my go to temp for pork butts anymore. If it touches 300*F or falls to 250*F that's OK, too. Target temp is just a range +/- 25*F. As long as the target temp is the average between the peeks and valleys.

I echo Tommy's theme: some critters are simply less willing to turn into BBQ than others. And since the stall is evaporative cooling, humidity definitely plays a factor.
Thanks a bunch.. they've been on the smoker for about 3 hrs now or so.

I've tried the method from above where you cut the roast into softball size chunks, smoke for 3 hrs, then put in a foil pan with a bit of liquid and cover tight with foil....

I love this food BBQing......gosh so many fun ways to try it.

thanks all.

it was absolutely awesome.... wife says to make it again soon....that ruled.

I have to say I ate enough to feel so full I was sick.....a good sick tho


