Connecting to a UDS ??


Neil C

New member
So I have a blower coming for my heatermeter. I went with a This one. I saw it mentioned in a thread saying it was used for a UDS and that they need a stronger blower. On my recent build I have a few 1" black iron connections I could connect to. Thing is I'm not sure how to connect the blower to the drum since the blower is plastic I can't connect it right to the drum and I don't know of any fitting to connect it to a 1" fitting. Any suggestions??
So I have a blower coming for my heatermeter. I went with a This one. I saw it mentioned in a thread saying it was used for a UDS and that they need a stronger blower. On my recent build I have a few 1" black iron connections I could connect to. Thing is I'm not sure how to connect the blower to the drum since the blower is plastic I can't connect it right to the drum and I don't know of any fitting to connect it to a 1" fitting. Any suggestions??

I also have a UDS. I have used my HM on it just 1 time. I was very happy with it. The HM provides more than enough flexibility in its configuration.

I also have the rotodamper. Check the rotodamper thread for details. I was able to connect it directly to my 1" brass ball valve with a couple of 1" PVC fittings.

I am working on ways to use the HM to control my UDS with just the damper - using the blower only as a "turbo", or in case charcoal fuel runs low.
Before I had a Rotodamper, I took some Aluminum tape and some thin gauge Aluminum and a pipe adapter(a tad bigger then the pipe on the UDS). Here is a picture that show what it looked like. It would just slide unto the pipe attached to the UDS. Also if you are not using a Rotodamper, You will need to close the ball valve to about 50% to 70% to get better control.

Thanks for the input. Decided to go with the rotodamper. Also the new smoker I had to run one intake uncapped and ball valve about 1/3 open. With outside temps around 60. That was the first run so I need to do a few more to learn how it runs.
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