Can I cook Bratwurst at 350° in my WSM 18"? (Will a WSM get up to 350°?)


Roger R.

I have only cooked bratwurst on a grill or in a kettle of boiling water. Never in my WSM.

I read a recipe about "baking" them in the oven at 300° - 350°. I have never tried getting my WSM that hot.
Can an 18" WSM get up to 350°? If I do this, I'm going to use Johnsonville Bratwurst. Should I add some wood?
Would adding a little smoke make them better? What wood would you use?

I've got a group coming over and really don't want to screw around with grilling.

Thanks for your advice!
I assume that's Fahrenheit?
If so, it will easily get there.

If Celsius: more difficult: remove waterpan, make sure smoker is out of the wind and add plenty charcoal....
I can get there, but then I start of with an outside temperature of 40 oC
Brats on the WSM are fairly straight forward for me.

Run the WSM in the 240 to 275°F range. Use a bit of Apple or Pecan for smoke. Water or no water in the pan, your choice.

Probe for target temp after an hour.

Brats on the WSM are fairly straight forward for me.

Run the WSM in the 240 to 275°F range. Use a bit of Apple or Pecan for smoke. Water or no water in the pan, your choice.

In the oven at 350°F the casings are fine - crispy even. Are they crispy at a lower temp of 240 - 275°F ?
I don't have a WSM, but can you just use the bottom section with a grill grate over the coals, kind of like a Smokey Joe or something?
In the oven at 350°F the casings are fine - crispy even. Are they crispy at a lower temp of 240 - 275°F ?

The casings were pretty snappy, more so at 275.

But you should be able to run 325 - 350 if you want. I recently did a turkey at 350.

For me, there is a fine line. I like them snappy with most of the fat rendered.
The casings were pretty snappy, more so at 275.

But you should be able to run 325 - 350 if you want. I recently did a turkey at 350.

For me, there is a fine line. I like them snappy with most of the fat rendered.

When you say 'snappy' you mean 'not gummy' right? When you say 'fat rendered' do you meanthat the bratwursts split open and the fat drips out?
They turned out fantastic! Apple wood, 275°F, about an hour. Absolutely fantastic. I'll be doing this again! Thanks for the help!
Brats on the WSM are fairly straight forward for me.

Run the WSM in the 240 to 275°F range. Use a bit of Apple or Pecan for smoke. Water or no water in the pan, your choice.

Probe for target temp after an hour.


my advice varies just a little: start checking @ ~35-40 minutes, and instead of probing, see if the juice is simmering under the casing - if the juice is simmering they're done. Go ahead & temp it, & you'll see the temp & watch it squirt all the juices.

If you wait just a little longer you'll seem them split or spurt, & they'll look wrinkled like you fingers if you've been in the water too long.

