Butts over Brisket?


Vernon N

OK Guys, what are the logistics when you do BOB? Start the butts on top and put the brisket on 3 or 4 hours later? Add more smoke wood when the brisket goes on?
Great combo. I would think you could start them at the same time.

Good luck on your cook.

Vernon, sounds great. And I really liked the sound of your plan for the chicken (from whatever thread I saw that). I mostly find, depending on sizes, that with my BOB cooks things finish not too far spread apart. I think the most spread I've had is maybe 3 hours
Hey guys, This is my first post!! I've been reading this forum for over a year and I got a WSM about 3 months ago. I'm planning a BOB for next week-end and was wondering about separating the point from the flat beforehand. Is this the recommended procedure or does it matter that much? According to what I've read, the flat will finish first. That way you can leave the point in and switch your probe to it. I've only done one brisket.(which I thought turned out okay) This will be my first combo smoke.

Bob S.
I would leave the point on-- it will protect the thinner part of the flat to which it is connected from drying out while the rest of the flat reaches finishing temp. Monitor the flat for doneness, and then you can always separate the point at that time and return it (the point) to the cooker to continue on to its best finishing temp.
After a good night's sleep (thanks, Guru) the pit at the top of the butts is 230, Brisket is 177 and the butts are 165. Looks like I will be pulling the packer out of the bottom soon.

It does smell wonderful out there, however, I am cooking omlets for breakfast. Then I have to get the tools and materials out of the kitchen from the big (incomplete) flooring job finish and get a few things ready. Probably will brine the chickens about noon.

Drop by for breakfast if you are in Charlotte
I was in Charlotte--yesterday.
I did the same today as well... Two big butts over a huge packer brisket. Brisket is at 156 and butts are 158 degrees.

This is the first time I've done a brisket so big I had to cram in on the bottom grate in a arch shape!

Smells great.....mmmmm
We had a good time. Brisket GONE! BBQ almost gone, Yardbird almost gone even though I forgot to make some with lesser heat.

This time I tried separating the point from the flat when I took the brisket off and cooked the flat some more. Was not pleased with the result. I think that I will either stick with doing just brisket or try butts on the bottom and brisket on the top. That way I can start the brisket 2 or 3 hours later
Michael, you are absolutely correct. Thinking one thing and typing something else. Yes, I put the point back on to render more. Do not really know how it came out: I was supposed to bring it to Beaufort with me, but, alas, it is in Charlotte.

