Butt Question


John Suh

TVWBB Member
Just wondering if I should brine or not.

Any recommendation on a recipe? This will be my third cook on the WSM. I've done chicken and spare ribs but not butts.

Thank you!
I wouldn't, in my opinion there is no need to brine a piece of meat with the marbling of shoulder. If you're looking at brining as just a means to add flavor, I would inject versus brining.

If you really want to try brining I would try it on a pork loin or maybe even some pork chops.
I have never brined a butt. I think they are plenty juicy and flavorful already. I would rub and start that way to compare it too. I have injected before but I still like rubs the best.

It's your butt so you can do what you want

I don't brine alot except for turkey or pork chops. You might be better at brining or like the results.

Either way let us know how it turns out.

Good Luck
Southern Succor Rub

1/4 cup ground black pepper
1/4 cup paprika
1/4 cup Turbinado sugar
2 Tablespoons table salt
2 teaspoons dry mustard
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Mix ingredients thoroughly. Makes enough rub for one pork butt, with some leftover for use in the Southern Sop.

This is a rub from the cooking topics section. You can search Rubs and find some. If you don't have one ingedient you can try smoething else. If you don't have turbinado you could try brown sugar.
I have done several butts, and I have never brined one. They arae always juicy and flavorful when done. I just use a rub and I don't infect.

Good luck and let us know how yours turns out.
Yes, flavored brines will get added flavor into the meat. I have done it, tasted it, and it can be great. We dont do it very often because of time restaints in competition, so we inject. When you hear somebody say injecting is a waste of time, they just havent used the right concoction.
Dale..I guess I have not used the right concoction for injection (as I always thought it was a waste of time) care to share any tips on this?
Dunno about a 'waste' of time--but it seems misplaced to me. Butt doesn't (or shouldn't) need additional moisture. The issue to me is one of flavor and texture. Since in most cases we're talking about pulled pork rather than sliced, adjusting flavor and texture is far easier to do, quicker, and more effective, imo, if done after the pork is cooked and rested--while it's being pulled. No fuss no muss. Just my two.

