Brown or maroon hood?


Tork T

TVWBB Member
Here I go again...

We've (y'all) determined the grill is a 2003 Silver C. But what color is the hood, brown or maroon? Split vote here at my house....


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Yah I am color blind. Not 100% but significantly. I just pulled that lid in the video out for my next project. It looks more Maroon to me now that it did in the video. The photo posted by Tork is the same color I believe, and I say Maroon on that too.
That is definitely Maroon. The A/B/C series of grills never came with a Brown hood like the earlier Genesis models.

David you are on the money. I was slow hitting the pause on the video. Yes, that 7:12 lid is maroon. I've only got black, blue, and green on the family's 3 2007 Genesis.
I say that if you can detect any "red" in it at all, it has to be called Maroon... or maybe "burgundy".
The Foster’s can is for reference only, not to be construed as a “Happy to get this ready for feasting” !

Bugs Bunny might refer to it as “Ultra Maroon”!
Damn, I’m old!

