Brisket attempt #2


E Brunner

TVWBB Member
After a not so good first brisket I decided to have at it again. Ended up with a 5.5lb flat again from a different store this time, noticed that there was no hard fat on this one unlike the previous one(both were choice grade). I put it on my 22 at 8:30am and took it off at 7pm. It stalled like crazy from 163-172 ended up being almost 4 hrs to get it to break thru the stall. Foiled it at 162, I did notice a few temperature drops in the meat at times dropped from 185 to 181, but came back up. Took it off when probe tender at 199, wrapped and put in cooler for 45 min. I was very pleased with the results it was a huge improvement over my first attempt(thanks to the helpful advice from members on this site), still some room for improvement though.
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If that plate is showing what's left, then I guess my chances of you sending some this way are out of the question. Darn. :(

Good Job !!!

