Borde del Camino Pollo

Jim - that's some pretty fine tequila there! WOW - bet that was a perfect way to start things up. Cook looks great too...but tough to beat the starting point....
Great lookin' chicken, Jim! I like the modification to Bryan's recipe. If you're looking for another one to try, I recommend looking up Rick Bayless, Mexican Roadside Chicken recipe. Similar to the spices you used, but also contained cinnamon and some other things.
You should be paid by the manufacturers of all the ingredients presented.
Oh and by Weber-Stephen Products Co. also, of course.
I believe you everything, unlike various commercials.

Your Borde del Camino Pollo is absolutely fantastic. With rice on a plate it's perfect.

A great post from beginning to end!!!
Thank you Jim that I have closed my mouth I can begin to describe my feelings for that cook.... No I can't....there's just too many

You are the master Jim...and I am one of your many students
thanks everyone:)

...I recommend looking up Rick Bayless, Mexican Roadside Chicken recipe. Similar to the spices you used, but also contained cinnamon and some other things.
Sean, I've tried the Bayless version and it is good.

