BIG cook this weekend...looking for some advice.

I have a 22.5 WSM and I've smoked two turkeys and one brisket on it so far. All came out pretty well.

This weekend, all the women are going to NYC. So, the men are going to BBQ.

I am going to smoke four racks of baby backs and a 10-12 lb brisket all in one day. I know, I am kinda swinging for the fences here.

Can anyone offer any advice on how to arrange all that meat? Obviously the brisket will be going in way before the ribs do.

As far as preparation goes...

For the brisket, I am just going to do what I did last time which seemed to work out pretty well. I injected it 6 hours before going into the smoker with a combination of olive oil, malt vinegar, beer, and worcestershire sauce. I rubbed it down with plain yellow mustard and then coated it in a dry rub consisting of paprika, chili powder, kosher salt, sugar, montreal steak, garlic powder and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

For the ribs, I think I am going to use the same rub and mustard combo and just wing it.

If anybody has any last minute ideas/comments/suggestions/etc, I would appreciate it!
As the p.p. will have a certain "flavour" because of the rub, personally I would look for a different rub to use on the ribs.

Although I'm sure the taste would be great, sometimes it's better to have something that tastes different than more of the same.


Doing multiple types of meat will require more attention to time and temps if you have a set time you want to eat. My goal is usually to pull both off about the same time to make things easier on my self.

I would start the brisket on the bottom rack and allow to set alone for most of the cook. If the brisket is about the same size of your last one, your cooking journal/experience should give you an idea when your brisket has about 4-5 hrs left. This when I would put on the ribs on the top grate. Because the ribs are shorter cook and depending on whether or not you foil, they will need for you to open the lid more often then just doing the brisket alone. But by now your brisket should be fine with these short term openings.

When brisket is at about 195 and ribs are pulling back from the bone, I pull all meat off, allow both to rest for about a half hour and enjoy.

Good Luck!
Andrew, you can easily hold brisket in a cooler or cambro for 4 hrs if necessary. I have never been able to get more than 3 racks of ribs flat on my 22.5. so, I would cook brisket till done then hold for 4 hrs. Cook ribs for 4 hrs, slice both and eat. What temps are you planning your cooks at?

thanks for the replies!

@Len: I agree regarding the rub for the ribs. I will go with a rub with less salt content for the ribs, maybe add in a couple of other spices while I am at it such as white pepper and maybe even some brown sugar.

As far as meat arrangement goes...can I place the brisket on one side of the lower rack...let it cook until the ribs are ready to go on, place one rack adjacent to the brisket and the other three on the top rack?

Also, while I am thinking about it, what is your guys' opinions on "rib racks" you know, the devices that make the ribs sit upright on the rack?
For most family cooks I don't use one. But for larger groups you have to do what you have to do. When I use a rack, although it may not be necessary, I try to remember to turn the ribs about half way through the cook. When time to sauce, I take the rack out completely.
Andrew, assuming you are cooking your ribs at same temp as brisky, no problem with one rack of ribs next to the briskey.
I prefer my ribs to be flat, easier to add ingredients, spray, butter, honey,etc. I have purchased 2 or 3 rib racks and have given them all away. Of course I now have 3 smokers so no worries for room.
Not the best picture in the world but here you go!


