Beef Clod

Tony, at the beginning of the video he shows you that it is the shoulder. I wonder if the clod name is a Texas thing?
It's a piece of the beef shoulder or chuck roast pretty much the same cut as pork butt but beef. Here's another cook. With a WSM

Man does that look good!

I think if you search on beef shoulder you will find technique/recipes here. As I remember it the posts on beef shoulder on this site folks were cooking them to the same temp as pork shoulder, around 190 or 195, and show it as pulled not sliced.
The shoulder clod is part of the chuck primal, the chuck primal being the entire shoulder, upper foreleg, part of the neck, and first several ribs. They generally run 15-20 lbs. If you remove the clod from the primal, plus a few other pieces, what remains is the chuck roll, an equally large hunk of chuck. Clods can be cooked like rolls. You'll find an approach for chuck roll that Chris posted in the beef section under the Cooking tab above, or by searching 'chuck roll' in the Find tab.

