BBQ Spice Gift Idea



My family plays dirty Santa for Christmas Eve and I am thinking of doing a spice array from Penzeys as my gift. So far, my ideas are cinnamon, aleppo pepper, smoked paprika, and maybe vanilla (not bbq but better than anything in supermarket). Any more ideas?

I saw the basket and I am more interested in getting stuff to make rubs. Is there a big difference in Sam's vs. Penzeys onion powders?
A.D. - Yes there is a difference in quality.

I think your idea of putting together your own gift box is a good one. Try deconstructing a favorite BBQ rub and ordering the ingredients from Penzeys.

Their gift box options are pretty neat. They use bay leaves and spices for fillers instead of styrofoam.

If you take your pick of spices from any of the spice wholesalers, you will be able to get way more than you would in a supermarket in a better quality at a lower price.

If you just run down their lists and pick out the ones you have heard of and may have in your spice cabinet already, you will get spices the flavor of which you will be surprised at, totally different than most generic spices after the bottle has been open a week.

Buy a box of little ziplocs, label and repack for smaller quantities to give away, you can give a good selection in useable amounts for around $20.00 / gift, or a great selection for $40.00.

Keep your spices away from the heat of a cooker or heating source, and in a cool dark place, they last much better that way.
Thanks for the help guys. I ended up getting 4 oz of: aleppo pepper, smoked paprika, china cassia cinnamon, and jerk pork rub. Man you could spend $100 on Penzeys and not even know it! If I do get this present back in dirty Santa, what will be the best way to store these spices since they are coming in bags?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by A.D.Letson:
Thanks for the help guys. I ended up getting 4 oz of: aleppo pepper, smoked paprika, china cassia cinnamon, and jerk pork rub. Man you could spend $100 on Penzeys and not even know it! If I do get this present back in dirty Santa, what will be the best way to store these spices since they are coming in bags? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
A.D. - The bags are supposed to be special and are okay for long-term storage. There is risk to living near a Penzeys.

Jeff, I'm getting "spice envy" looking at your supply. I'm glad there isn't a Penzy's close to me.
I get all of my spices from Penzey's after my first order and found out how reasonable the prices are AND the obvious difference fro mwhat yuoget at the super. The biggest groblem I have is not knowing how much of a given spice to buy. Because of that,I ahve 2 lifetime supplies of some stuff!! I get it right on reorder.
I just talked to someone at Penzey's, whom I'm not quite sure "got" the problem. From what she says, the herbs and spices are packed in bags and jars. Usually 2 jars and several bag sizes are listed. The jars are usually 1/2 cup (4 fl. oz) and 1/4 cup (2 fl. oz) but the weights given are those of the actual herbs or spices in the jars. From that you can interpolate the volume of the contents of the bags.

Time to brush up on your math, guys and gals. Yes, Frances, there IS life after algebra!

I respectfully requested that they include the volume measurements as well as the weights if they wanted to be of real service to their customers.

If they get enough requests to include the volume measurements, maybe they will listen.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Rita Y:
I just talked to someone at Penzey's, whom I'm not quite sure "got" the problem. From what she says, the herbs and spices are packed in bags and jars. Usually 2 jars and several bag sizes are listed. The jars are usually 1/2 cup (4 fl. oz) and 1/4 cup (2 fl. oz) but the weights given are those of the actual herbs or spices in the jars. From that you can interpolate the volume of the contents of the bags.

Time to brush up on your math, guys and gals. Yes, Frances, there IS life after algebra!

I respectfully requested that they include the volume measurements as well as the weights if they wanted to be of real service to their customers.

If they get enough requests to include the volume measurements, maybe they will listen.

Rita </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Rita - <STRIKE>Those little plastic containers are 1/4 cup each (I'll physically verify this tonight). But they are sold by the ounce. From this we can determine the volume of the bigger quantities.</STRIKE> I just said what you did. I need to do a better job of reading.


That's funny, Jim! Most people can usually say what I say in a lot less words, as you did. No need to cross yours out!

The Penzey's lady did mention that the 1/4 cup jars are plastic and the 1/2 cup jars are glass.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Pat Barnes:
I get all of my spices from Penzey's after my first order and found out how reasonable the prices are AND the obvious difference fro mwhat yuoget at the super. The biggest groblem I have is not knowing how much of a given spice to buy. Because of that,I ahve 2 lifetime supplies of some stuff!! I get it right on reorder. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now you could look at that 2 lifetimes supplies as a challenge in a different way, and try and create a recipe that uses twice as much...just to get rid of them in one lifetime!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by JRPfeff:
A.D. - The bags are supposed to be special and are okay for long-term storage. There is risk to living near a Penzeys.


Jeff, where did you get those spice racks, that's exactly what I need!
I did make the mistake of ordering a pound of Bay Leaves from them one time. Those leaves don't weigh very much! The order looked like pillows and the family had all of the bay leaves they could use. I still get ribbed about that one! I am still working on the origional order. Thank god for freezers!

