Baby briskets



New member
Most, if not all, of the recipes I see for cooking brisket are for cooking whole briskets. But always buy the small 4-5 lb "first-cut" type briskets. (I have a family of 3, and it would take us half a year to consume a whole brisket.)

Any suggestions or recipes specifically for bbqing "first cut" briskets. thoughts about cook times. How about dekels?

Thanks for any help and advice.

It'll be done quicker than you think so keep an eye out. My experience is about an hour a pound + -
if it was me , I'd try to buy a point cut , but good luck finding one.
Dekel roast? I have no info.
good luck.
I have a family of 2 and only I eat red meat but I only cook full packers. Friends and family come out of the woodwork when I mention I'm doing a brisket. Or I keep it all to myself and have a few dinners, sammies and the occasional breakfast. Never seems to last long.
If you're going to go through the time and effort to cook, you may as well do a full packer. My wife is a vegetarian, but I only do packers. But as Bob said, people will go out of their way to show up here if they catch wind of a brisket going on. However, if that's not the case for you, invest in a Foodsaver. That has paid for itself tenfold in the amount I've saved buying meat in bulk and breaking it down myself to freeze. Pulled pork freezes well too, just dribble a little apple cider into the bag and seal it up, can't even tell it's been frozen when you reheat for a sammie.
X amount of time per pound only applies to whole cuts like packers or boston butts where the thickness increases in proportion to the weight. Once you get into portions, it's a different ball game. A 4lb piece of brisket flat that is 2 inches thick will take just as long to cook as an 8lb brisket flat that is also 2 inches thick. Therefore, I give flats the same amount of time to cook as I do packers. If it happens to finish early, it's no problem as you can easily hold a brisket for many hours before serving.
It is only me and the Mrs and I always do a whole packer. I grind up the "point" and make my smoked brisket chili, I slice up the rest of the flat for sandwiches. It stores well in the freezer

