Baby Backs for tonight, thighs for tomorrow


Richard S

Lots of baseball today. Needed to do some hot and fast ribs to get the memory of the wrong end of the doubleheader sweep off me and my boys mind! Also needed some chicken for tomorrow!
Rubbed down a rack of baby backs and some thighs!IMG_5983.jpegCracked a nice IPAIMG_5982.jpegSetup Performer with some Cowboy and some hickory! Got temp up to about 350IMG_5989.jpegPut ribs on first then added the thighs after a bit. Temp settled in around 300. IMG_5997.jpegIMG_6001.jpegWent very basic on the sides! TJ’s green beans and some TJ salad (not pictured) 😬IMG_6002.jpegIMG_6003.jpegRibs were moist…and had a hint of spice 🌶️IMG_6004.jpegSometimes hot and fast pays dividends! Cheers!

