Anybody use Matcha or Hibiscus TEA ?


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Platinum Member
Anybody use the following?
Matcha green tea and Hibiscus tea seem to have wonderful benefits relative to the great killers of today.
High Blood pressure

I've been using both for a few weeks and haven't died yet.
Well, I had a blood pressure scare one was too high. I would rather do about anything to not start on a medicine.
Ergo, I read about teas and Hibiscus & Matcha seem to stand out. Yes I have struggled a bit with weight, BP and cholesterol.
Both teas have limited studies showing significant benefit in all three areas.
Hot tea seems to calm in general. A good thing. Hibiscus has No caffeine. I was over doing coffee which contributed to BP increase.
Matcha has similar benefits but has more caffeine than green tea and about half the caffeine of coffee.

Certainly anything we do or take can have a placebo effect. One persons results are not a reason to change a diet or behavior.
That said, even with limited studies, these teas look promising to help some people.

Teas have been consumed for thousands of years and probably for good reason.
Many drugs are derived from plant based remedies.

So, I thought I'd shoot out about these...perhaps someone else will find benefit.

Hibiscus is quite tasty. I add dried ginger and cinnamon. excellent hot or cold.

My next project is a Hibiscus based Bbq sauce.
So far I'm not superman! But weight and BP are both down and I feel better.
A better diet and less caffeine can account for both but who knows...
Hibiscus tea is quite good. Matcha in my fruit smoothies is OK.

That red wine in moderation helps too...unfortunately it is an appetite stimulant.
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Matchas are traditionally used in tea ceremonies in Japan but I see they're gaining popularity for ordinary daily consumption, like regular green tea.

