And POOF she's already 3

In about 10 years, she's going to turn into a demon. 13 y/o girls are natural born demons. Enjoy the next 10 years and then go on a long, long, long vacation
Are you kiddin' I raised her mom! And her mom's older sister! Ain't no one can tell me the horrors of teen girls :D
Happy Birthday, Beautiful Princess!

And don't listen to those grumpy old men... at least not until you live to tell your own teenage horror stories, lol.
BTW that is her mom sitting behind here and the reason the glasses were on her upper lip is she had been trying to imitate what she sees her mom do all the time. And wear the sunglasses on top of the head why she was finally successful in doing. but she looked at me like that because I think she was a little miffed that I laughed at her when the gasses fell down :D

