6/11/2004 Smoke Pics

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Jamieson S

Here are a few shots from my smoke on 6/11.


4 slabs of spares on top in rib rack and the tips are on the lower rack. Had just thrown some leftover Amy's Chicken Andouille sausage on as well, which you can see.
The dog would not fit /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
Nice setup, Jamieson. I wonder how many of us have our Weber gassers standing right next to our WSMs. I know I do...
Well, my Weber gasser isn't right next to my WSM but they do coexist (cohabitate?) on the deck. They'll also now have to share the space with their newest sibling--a Weber kettle. Picked it up today.

Guess it's now time to purchase the platform for my trailer hitch so I can lug the kettle & the WSM around now since I won't be able to get everything inside the Escape. /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif

Yeah, got that Weber Silver B from Home Depot early spring (using a 10% off coupon you can grab on eBay helps) to keep the WSM company.
Those ribs picks were taken at about the 7.5 hour mark, almost ready to come off. They were some of the best I have made yet, perfectly tender with just a bit of tug left. smoked with 1 chunk hickory 3 apple. They were also good looking raw, grabbed from Peoria Packing.
The dog is from the ASPCA /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Thanks for reminding me about Peoria Packing. I need to be in the City later this week and may just have to stop there for my first visit to pick up some items for the weekend.

Sam's Club has double crovac packs of shoulder for around $1.50/lb (IIRC) but their prices on ribs are highway robbery right now--around $3.00/lb for loins (can't recall the spares price).

Oh for the $.79/lb sales on shoulder Jewel & Dominics had last year.

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