1st butt smoke going great!


Phil R.

TVWBB All-Star
I've got 2 6.5lb Mr. Brown butts on right now. Using MM, hickory and oak chunks. I put the meat on immediately when I assembled the WSM, and it took about an hour but at 8 I got 246 lid temp. It's been holding almost perfectly at 250.5 for about the last hour or so. I only used 15 lit briquettes b/c it's supposed to be warm (75) here today. Also used cold water in the pan, which I think contributed to the long time to reach cook temps.

I'm so happy...the fireplace gasket in between the charcoal bowl and middle section has worked wonders for my temperature control! This is great!
It sounds like things are coming along nicely. I wish I could cook some butts this weekend instead of working.

When are you planning on eating the pulled pork?
.the fireplace gasket in between the charcoal bowl and middle section has worked wonders for my temperature control
That's great that that worked out for you. What specifically did you end up using?

(And yes, the cold water added to your extended rise time.)
It is a good weekend to smoke in our area today, Phil! Maybe I'll smoke a meatloaf tomorrow. Glad to hear that your minor fix worked wonders on that steal of a WSM you got. Enjoy your pulled pork this evening.

I ended up using fireplace gasket. It looks like braided rope, and is about 3/4" thick. I used fireplace gasket cement to hold it to the middle cooking section...basically, I just wrapped it all the way around the lip. When the two sections fit together, it gets kind of smashed down and really gives a good seal.

One other mod I did. My door was not fitting well at all (had some 1/4 inch gaps around it). What I did (and this is a temporary mod until I get a new door) is got some huge hose clamps.I hooked three of these huge clamps together so that they would be big enough to fit around the circumference of the WSM. Stuck it around the door and tightened...viola, door seals well now. O.K. O.K. it's kind of okie rigged, but hey it works.

Jeff--This is a mother's day smoke...I'm going to cook the butts today and then into the fridge tonight for family lunch tomorrow. This being my first real smoke with my WSM, I didn't feel comfortable with an overnighter.

Phil, it is a GREAT day to smoke (or do anything) here. Temp holding well enough I may even be able to leave and go to the driving range and hit a few balls. Good luck with your meatloaf. I just looked at the recipe Chris has on the site here, and it looks great.
Well it's 1 pm now and I just mopped the butts for the first time. It's the first time I've seen them since I put them on. Is it normal for there to be a small amount of bark already on the meat at this point? I already have a little bit. I know my temps have been real good...the meat is not burned. I've had the top vent open the whole cook, so I don't think it's creosote deposits. Or is it?
Just pulled the butts at 7:30 pm. How in the heck do you guys let them rest 30 mins after cooking? I WANT TO DIG IN RIGHT NOW!!! But I'm going to let them rest...

One question: I know my temps were good, about 230-240 at the grate for 11 hours. The first hour the temps were a little lower since I put the meat on immediately when I assembled the cooker (that, and I used cold water). I checked the temps at 7 tonight, and they were pretty much perfect...high 190's all around. Why in the heck didn't my butts take longer? I thought I was looking at 17-18 hours!
For their size and your grate temps it sounds about right to me. My butt cooks take longer but I do larger hunks, usually 7.5-8 pounds, and cook at a bit lower temp (just a personal preference). Pulling in the low 190s they run 18-20 hours. But I've never rested less than an hour and a half--temptation be damned!

I have just eaten some of Mr. Brown for the first time.

I hereby declare it to be the best meat that has ever graced my tongue.

