Converting Genesis Grill to a Drink Bar . . . Anyone done this?


G Gelster

New member
I am considering converting one of the old red topped genesis grills to a drink bar of some sort. It would seem you could clean out the firebox and put in a wood insert. My thought is to use various small steam table stainless steel pans as inserts to the wood insert that could contain various bar garnishes and supplies. Alternatively, it could set up with an insulated insert to hold iced beer. I could see putting led lighting in it. The glassware could go down below.

Anyway, just throwing out an idea to see what people think.
If you want to insulate it look at the marine industry. Almost all smaller boats 50' or less have some sort of custom built-in fridge that utilizes every available inch. To make a one-off cut thin plywood to fit, fiberglass over it and then insulate behind it.

