Couple of last weekends cooks.


Mike Cosgrove

TVWBB Diamond Member
These were done last weekend when it was still cold and snowy rainy sleety thundersnowy, now its in the 70s and Im heading to the ballgame today.:cool:
Mojo injected pork loin rubbe with Wee Willys #2.

Gettin there.

Done and sliced, kind of fell apart, very moist and juicy.

Tri tip also Mojo injected and rubbed with the Wee Willys #2.

Threw a reverse sear on it and brought it to 130.

Some sprouts.

Plated with the sprouts

Thanks for looking, the reverse sear is the real deal and I would definitely Mojo inject the tri tip again, it was like candy!Have a great weekend, I'll be posting pics of my Target Field trip tonight!
Oh yeah! That loin and tri-tip looks delish! Long live the tri-tip, never get tired of looking at them. I reverse sear mine too, it's the WAY to go. Nice job man.
I love the mojo injected loin idea. I know what I'll be trying this weekend. Thanks for the idea.

