Search results

  1. Dan Kuhn

    Red high temp paint

    Have been noticing slight rust development where the handle attaches to the lid on my mid-90's RED stainless Performer and was wondering if anyone has suggestions for the best match and best performing high-temp paint to touch it up before it gets worse? Oh, and where to buy it online also, if...
  2. Dan Kuhn

    Where to buy brisket and butt in Saint Louis

    To any of my fellow Saint Louis residents - where is the best place to purchase brisket and butt? I usually use Kenricks for almost all of my meat purchases but was curious if there are any more economical places to purchase this stuff?
  3. Dan Kuhn

    fattie information

    If I am doing a fattie with the intention of the frying it up the next morning for breakfast what temperature should I take it to in the smoker?
  4. Dan Kuhn

    lid vs. upper vs. lower gill temps

    Just curious to hear everyone's experiences with measuring temps at the lid vs. upper grill vs. lower grill. An concensus on how they generally compare to each other? Thank you all in advance.
  5. Dan Kuhn

    re-heating pulled pork

    Alright - you guys taught me to do the pulled pork and i thank you all. I now have a bunch of vacu-sealed frozen meat. DETAILS PLEASE on how to reheat. Including how to boil the bags. Thank you all - happy holidays
  6. Dan Kuhn

    how long will raw butt last

    Just bought some cryovaced bone in butts from the local grocery store. Bought it today (Sunday afternoon). Won't be able to actually smoke it until Friday or Saturday afternoon though. It is the standard two-to-a-pack cryovac butts (about 15 or so pounds total). Will it last for the week...
  7. Dan Kuhn

    Tried something new out of necessity - seemed to work - opinions?

    I had to cook for about 100 folks for a work party the other week and decided that, in addition to my home-made burgers I would do a couple of butts (boneless) for fun and to see if I could do them. Dinner was planned for about 6:00pm Thursday. I did not want to travel to work (it is 45...
  8. Dan Kuhn

    Dump cake / cobbler - Dutch Oven cooking

    A great way to make a perfect desert to go with any BBQ is to use a cast-iron Dutch Oven. I learned years ago in Boy Scouts and recently revived my love of cooking with cast-iron. Here is a good one that is quick and VERY easy 3 cans pie filling of your choice (mix and match if you like - 2...

