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  1. B

    Increasing Cajun Bandit door curve for a better air seal

    I found slipping one of the vertical sides in the the slot between my deck boards over a joist and using my body weight to compress the door worked well for me. The groove in the deck kept the door from moving and I could increase the bend small amounts at a time until I was happy with the fit...
  2. B

    Hinge kit with BBQ Guru Silcone Cover on a 22.5...any issues?

    id like to know this as well. I've modded my 22" quite a bit but I sometimes cook in less than perfect weather and Ive been thinking about a thermal cover to mitigate the temp swings. Let me know if you pick one up.
  3. B

    Pit Meter - iPhone app for the HeaterMeter

    Thanks very much for doing this! I appreciate your work! Any idea if you'll ever incorporate the ability to add addt'l HM's to the app? Id love to be able to control multiple HeaterMeters during a big smoke.
  4. B

    HeaterMeter Hardware v4.3.3, v4.3.4, v4.3.5, v4.3.6

    Fantastic! Thanks for the quick reply!!
  5. B

    HeaterMeter Hardware v4.3.3, v4.3.4, v4.3.5, v4.3.6

    Has the Rpi 3 Model B been certified to work with the latest build? I just ordered a 2nd HM kit and I happen to have a Model 3 laying around Id like to put to use and avoid buying another B+. thanks!
  6. B

    INTRODUCING: the "Roto Damper"

    I'm pretty new to this forum so my opinion probably doesn't mean much BUT Ralph has been incredibly supportive and helpful with me during this process. I don't have a background in electronics but I've never been afraid to challenge myself with something new. There's no doubt I've asked some...
  7. B

    Rpi B+: openwrt hangs during boot @ "hub 1-1.0.0: 5 ports detected"

    Thanks Ralph, all good advice. I have tried booting different Rpi images (Jessie & Jessie lite) on the B+ and it boots fine. I have 4 microSD cards handy(2x64GB, 1x16GB, and 1x4GB) and all of them seem to be working(with the exception of the HM OpenWrt image on the B+). Im stumped. Normally...
  8. B

    Rpi B+: openwrt hangs during boot @ "hub 1-1.0.0: 5 ports detected"

    Im pairing it with HM v4.3 here it is mated:
  9. B

    Rpi B+: openwrt hangs during boot @ "hub 1-1.0.0: 5 ports detected"

    I hope that is the case. I'll keep searching.
  10. B

    Rpi B+: openwrt hangs during boot @ "hub 1-1.0.0: 5 ports detected"

    I've tried a stock openwrt image and it boots fine on B+. HM Openwrt image works fine on my rPi Model A. I've tried multiple SD cards but cannot for the life of me get the OpenWrt HM image to boot on the B+. What am I missing?:confused::confused: edit:added a few details for clarity
  11. B

    Stuck at Rainbow screen on boot on RPI2 model B. Boots fine on RPI Model 1.

    never mind. I went back and re-read the compatibility sheet and realized my mistake. disregard :)
  12. B

    Stuck at Rainbow screen on boot on RPI2 model B. Boots fine on RPI Model 1.

    Is there a separate image I need for the newer RPi? My Google Fu must be rusty because I cant find an answer.

