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  1. J

    Removed my pork when fuel ran out, now what?

    I have two whole pork shoulders that only hit 186 IT now sitting in my fridge wrapped in foil. How I got here is below but I'm wondering if I should pre-cook them both (wrapped) in the oven until IT gets near 200 to pull apart and freeze shredded pork packets or keep them whole and finish...
  2. J

    Cold Smoker Tube

    16 Ga, 1/8" offset hole 304SS rolled into a 2" x 12" tube with 2" 304SS end caps, one punched open to feed in pellets. It's pretty thick at 16 Ga. I was going to build a few for friends out of the remaining materials (as presents) but I need to find a better way to form the roll as it was not...
  3. J

    Tuesday Brisket

    For no other reason than I had it. Two chunks of New England grass-fed brisket after 48 hrs sous vide (147F). Dusted with flaked salt and fresh black pepper ready to chill overnight. 6 hours on the WSM18 @ 215F to an internal temp of 190F. 50/50 Apple and Hickory with natural lump charcoal...
  4. J

    My First Brisket (Flat only)

    I have been reading a lot about Q'n with brisket. Thanks to the members here who have posted for others to learn and get started with new cooks. Unfortunately I only have a flat, but it's a prime 7 Lbs trimmed. My plan is to sous vide and then charcoal to try and get the maximum texture and use...
  5. J

    Homemade, “Universal” Auber PID

    I have built a PID controller using an Auber SWA-24X2C, Pt100 probe and a 25A SSR controlling a 6.5 CFM fan, (overkill yes but hear me out) to regulate temperatures for a myriad of applications with only one controller to clutter my shelf. Some application examples of this universal controller...

