Search results

  1. D

    Brisket weight before and after smoke

    Did a quick search but didn't come up with what I needed. On average, what percentage of weight a brisket decreases by during a cook? Thanks in advance!
  2. D

    Lump Charcoal and High Heat Brisket

    Ever since I got my WSM, I've been smoking brisket low and slow, and with Kingsford briquettes exclusively. Been reading a lot about high heat method. I'm interested in trying it as well as switching over to Maple Leaf brand lump charcoal at the same time. I've read a bit about overnight...
  3. D

    Reheating vacuum sealed unsliced brisket

    Hey guys, Used my FoodSaver for the first time this weekend. Any tips on reheating? I was thinking to boil. Many of the posts that mention boiling are for sliced pre-sliced or chopped brisket. No mention of unsliced briskets. Just want to verify. Figure each package to be about 2.5 lbs...
  4. D

    What's so great about packers?

    Sorry guys, I'm somewhat of a brisket newb. I've smoked several flats that came out absolutely gorgeous. Nicely rubbed all the way around, nice smoke ring, very tender and flavorful. Packers aren't common around here so when I saw one cryovac'd at my local source I snatched it up. This...
  5. D

    Cooking Tips: Flat vs Packer Cut?

    Hey all, I've been purchasing brisket flats for a while now because it's all I have been able to find locally. I'd also like to add that I've gotten pretty good at smoking them too! Picture of what I normally work with. ~5lb flat (this one is frozen) Yesterday, I got my hands on the...
  6. D

    Quick question on 5lb brisket timing

    Hey guys, So I've smoked a few briskets in the past, and shame on me, I've never kept a log. I have to time some errands around my smoke and am wondering if anyone can give me a BALLPARK on how many hours it takes to bring a 5lb brisket flat up to about the 160-165 range (for foiling) with...
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    Brisket with BBQ Guru (Procom 4) - LOTS OF PICS

    Actually my 2nd brisket ever. Decided to splurge and pick up BBQ Guru's Procom4 so that I could (hopefully) get some rest while doing a midnight smoke. Winter is just coming to an end up here in Toronto. Have a lot of snow in my backyard (even though we're supposed to be close to 50 degrees...
  8. D

    Guru owners

    I'm about to use mine for the first time with my 18.5". Wondering if anyone has any "special" settings that they've found to work well on WSM's? Or have most of you found the default settings for parameters like Offset, Proportional Band, Cycle Time, etc to be perfect? Thanks.
  9. D

    Foiling Briskets - Are you guys adding anything to it?

    Plan to try this foiling method for the first time this weekend. I see that most foil around 160-170 (although I read that Harry Soo foils @ 150!). I'm just curious if everyone is foiling the briskets as-is, with extra rub, with liquid (water, apple juice, mop), etc. If with liquid, how...
  10. D

    Help with Temperature Probe Readings!

    Hey guys, Sorry if the answer to this is common knowledge, but here goes! I have a BUNCH of remote oven thermometer/probes (couple of polders, an oxo, one wireless, etc). I am wondering if someone can explain to me how exactly they work, how they should be inserted into the meat, and how we...
  11. D

    Accessories for OTG 26.75?

    Does anyone know if there are any available accessories for the the new OTG 26.75? Would be interested in tool holders, condiment holders, work tables, and maybe replacement cooking grates. Thanks!
  12. D

    Help with Pork Shoulder and Back Ribs Together

    Hey guys, I'll be firing up my WSM for the first time tonight. I've done some briskets on my OTG a couple times (using the firebrick method) and have good results. This is my first time using the WSM. I have two 6.5 lbs pork shoulders, and about 4 racks of back ribs weighing about 1.5 lbs...
  13. D

    OTG 22.5 Measurement Needed

    Hey guys, I'm not at home right now. Can anyone give me a measurement between the lower grate, and the top cooking grate? I'm stuck at work, so I'm sending someone to pick up some fire brick for the brisket cooking this weekend. Just want to make sure I get a few that are usable. Thanks...
  14. D

    Can you identify my wood?

    I just recently picked up my first WSM, as well as some hickory, cherry, and apple wood chunks off of Amazon. I am completely new to all of this. The vendor on Amazon shipped all 3 wood types in 3 boxes. When my wife received the packages she decided to throw all of the wood chunks into the...

