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  1. Dave Atwater

    Injection Question

    Planning on cooking my first brisket tomorrow. It is a choice grade flat from Costco. I plan on injecting and applying rub. Should i inject, then rub, and let sit in the fridge overnight? Or rub, let sit, and inject prior to cooking? TIA, Dave
  2. Dave Atwater

    You are all evil, evil people....

    So I got a new Droid Maxx so I had boy #2 (our internal IT department, if you don't have one, have another child until you do - it's great!) root that bad boy and delete all the bloat ware down to a pure google platform. Yeah, we were kind of geeking out last night. For this, I made him burgers...
  3. Dave Atwater

    Sunday SupperPork Loin....

    Not a real detailed post tonight... spent the majority of the day working on a attachment for my Heater Meter .... it looks like this so far, kind of a proof of concept before I make a decent version. Onto today's cook - mixed up a paste of garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper, and some generic...
  4. Dave Atwater

    Wing Night!

    Boy #2 came over for dinner tonight... under the gun time wise because it was a beautiful day and the lovely cooking assistant Cheryl wanted to go for a motorcycle ride. It was a good idea, the fall colors were out and the air was brisk. Decided to make some wings for the first time - Went...
  5. Dave Atwater

    Smoked Mac and Cheese....

    Had a sailboat race this weekend, so not a lot of time for cooking. We had some leftover pulled pork from last weekend so we decided to incorperate that into a mac and cheese entree. Started with a mixture of sharp cheddar, gouda, and fontina... Shredded the cheese, got some pasillo peppers...
  6. Dave Atwater

    Probing question...

    The internal IT department (boy #1) at the Atwater household has the Heater Meter built and functional. Thank you everyone who contributed to this project - if it means anything, boy#1 was super stoked to build and program this project, and mentioned numerous times how great the instruction are...
  7. Dave Atwater

    Smoke #6 - Pulled pork on a busy cook day...

    Stormy weather continues in the PNW, and the lovely cooking assistant Cheryl and I reveled in the changing of the season. Boy #2 came over for dinner so we cooked up a storm....get it? I did a little pun there. To get in the mood of the season we started with a little something called a Maple...
  8. Dave Atwater

    Smoke #5 - Something completely different...

    First days of fall, big storm here with buckets of rain and 40 mph winds. I went looking for something conforting and quick. Smoked butternut squash soup. Uh, yeah. You read that right... Here's what we did. Started with two medium squash, split in half and scooped out the seeds. Brushed with...
  9. Dave Atwater

    Craigs List Score!

    Sorry I have not been here for a while, off on vacation to Maine with the family.... So I've been a gas grill guy for some time, but after using the WSM as a grill I was reminded how good grilled food over charcoal tastes. I really wanted a performer, but 300.00 wasn't in the budget right now...
  10. Dave Atwater

    Harry Soo Pork Butt?

    I keep seeing references to Harry Soo's pulled pork recipe but I can't locate it here on the forum - can some kind soul point mew in the right direction?
  11. Dave Atwater

    Smoke number four, overnighter!

    In honor of the end of summer, this smoke is brought to you by....boat drinks! A favorite of the lovely cooking assistant Cheryl, they are very easy to make. Get yourself some blended fruit juice, some rum or vodka, mix and add a dash of Peychouds, extra points for a cherry garnish with an...
  12. Dave Atwater

    Pork butt ?

    Ok, so we fired up two butts last night @ 11:30. Just hit 162' internal and foiled with some apple juice. What final temp am I shooting for here to start testing for tenderness? Butts are 5 and 7 ponds respectively, and the cooker has benn between 200-225 all night.
  13. Dave Atwater

    Charcoal grate ?

    Would it behoove me to add another charcoal grate at a 90' orientation on my 18.5 to keep the small pieces of charcoal from falling through to the bottom on the smoker? Or am I just going to clog up the ash and shut down air flow?
  14. Dave Atwater

    First butt cook...

    Okay, 2 butts, one 5 pounder the other 7 pounds. I want to have them ready for dinner tomorrow night around 6 or 7, allowing for at least an hour rest in a cooler. What is your recommendation for a start time? Using the minion method with a coffee can, and allowing for cook time, how many...
  15. Dave Atwater

    Sorry, no cook this weekend....

    So I was out racing sailboats all weekend and had no time for a cook - but we did get some cool stuff in the mail. The is Peter (aka the Atwater family internal Information Technologies Department), he is holding the pcb board that he just finished putting together and a Raspberry Pi micro...
  16. Dave Atwater

    Smoke #3 - Baby Backs and Meat Loaf...

    This weekends submission brought to you in part by... So the lovely cooking assistant Cheryl and I picked up some baby backs from the local Cash and Carry for our third smoke. Following the directions for the BRITU I set about cleaning them up. We had three racks so we decided to serve one...
  17. Dave Atwater

    Brinkman pan question...

    I read a lot regarding the Brinkman pan conversion, but it I read correctly it seems that this mod is dependent on model year? I have a 2013 18.5 WSM - am I gaining anything by purchasing the Brinkman?
  18. Dave Atwater

    BRITU and 3-2-1?

    I plan on doing my first baby back this weekend and following the BRITU recipe. Should I also go with the 3-2-1 method? Pro's and cons?
  19. Dave Atwater

    Stock temp gauge?

    Can someone guide me to a thread regarding the accuracy of the stock lid temp gauge in a WSM?
  20. Dave Atwater

    2nd Smoke!

    Ok, so this kind of went of the rails a bit.... I was looking for something easy to do for my second smoke as I feel I need to gunk up the WSM for some consistent temperature control. So I saw this recipe...

