Recent content by Bill French

  1. Bill French

    First Brisket and Advice on how to Improve

    Taylor - i see a lot of good suggestions on here. I'm looking forward to seeing the results of your next brisket cook.
  2. Bill French

    Charcoal Sales

    I predict you will be disappointed.
  3. Bill French

    Smoke from adding charcoal and emptying charcoal ash during long cooks

    I ran into a similar issue last week when cooking a pork butt. I was several hours into the cook so the butt had enough smoke already. I just wrapped it in foil then added several new coals to the fire. It did produce some thick smoke like you mentioned but since the butt was wrapped, no harm...
  4. Bill French


    We just had a Meijer open up in town but I haven't made a trip across town to it yet. Does anyone know if they sell full packer briskets? What about their meat department in general, good or bad?
  5. Bill French

    Time to stock up on Kingsford Blue

    I picked up six twin packs on Friday, should get me through the year.
  6. Bill French

    Wife Got me a CyberQ for my Birthday

    I have a new CyberQ as well, used it for the first time this past Saturday. It works great. I'd just check out the videos on BBQ Guru's website and do a simple search on Youtube. Never heard of doing this, I wouldn't think it necessary.
  7. Bill French

    Time to stock up on Kingsford Blue

    Noticed this morning that Kingsford Blue is on sale now in time for Memorial Day weekend. Home Depot and Lowes both show 2-18.6lb bags for $9.88. However, my local Lowes shows a limit of 2 twin pack per customer so it'll be off to Home Depot for me.
  8. Bill French

    Rub Suggestions

    Slap Yo Daddy's rubs for me!
  9. Bill French

    Horrible Smithfield ribs from Walmart--beware!!

    Hmm, I just cooked up a rack of Smithfield baby backs from WM this past Saturday and were maybe the best I've done so far.
  10. Bill French

    Brisket: fat up or down

    Yup, same here.
  11. Bill French

    CyberQ on the way

    I fired up the CyberQ this past Saturday to cook up some baby back ribs, beef ribs and pork sausages. I must say that it does work as advertised, great temp control and easy to setup and use. I bought the Pit Pal Pro app and it worked great with the CyberQ. The only things to really figure...
  12. Bill French

    CyberQ on the way

    The CyberQ was delivered yesterday. Setup was super easy, I had it up and talking both inside and outside of my network in under 30 minutes. The gasket kit also arrived yesterday and I'll get them installed in a couple days. Now I have to decide what I'll cook this weekend for my initial cook...
  13. Bill French

    CyberQ on the way

    Don't think I'll spring for the CB, I've never seen smoke escape from the door (lucky I guess). I did recently order the gasket kit though. I've already setup a wireless repeater out in my detached "smoke house". Memorial Day weekend this year should result in many full bellies.
  14. Bill French

    Hello from Chattanooga, TN

    Welcome aboard
  15. Bill French

    Mid Ohio sayin HI 👋🏾

    Welcome aboard, the WSM has been the best purchase I've made in a long while.

