Winner: Custom 40th Anniversary Glen Blue WSM

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! I can't believe it! It's been a long time since I have been active on the forums here, but I always come here for recipes. I'll definitely enjoy this little beauty and will be posting pictures of my first cook. My current 18"WSM is about 17 years old and is not sealing well at the vents and access door, so Lil' Blue here is just what I need. Also looking forward to taking this on the road for camping and such. I'm so excited! Thanks Chris for a great site and for all you do.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner! I can't believe it! It's been a long time since I have been active on the forums here, but I always come here for recipes. I'll definitely enjoy this little beauty and will be posting pictures of my first cook. My current 18"WSM is about 17 years old and is not sealing well at the vents and access door, so Lil' Blue here is just what I need. Also looking forward to taking this on the road for camping and such. I'm so excited! Thanks Chris for a great site and for all you do.
You did see the tiny print where it says you need to invite us all over for a cook. Right? I’m thinking I’m about 5.5 hours drive. Lmk so I can plan the NorCal carpool down to ya. Congrats and enjoy this one of a kind beauty!
Jason, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am very happy for you (contrary to what Chris said on another thread - :giggle: )
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