What part do I need to replace on my Genesis Gold?



New member

It looks like it lines the entire inside of the lid. The grill is about 10 years old. I really appreciate your help.

I understand your lid shroud ia a inner lining to protect your SS external lid from discolouring when directly exposed to high heat. It does not appear to be available as a seperate part, you have to buy the entire lid assembly. (Part No.60466, $254.45)

I also suspect the inner shroud and the outer SS lid are 'bonded' together, and would be difficult to separate.

So a plea/warranty claim to Weber and see if they will come to the party, or find a second hand Genesis Silver and convert to an E lid, and you will also have some leftover spare parts???

If it is not corroded all the way through, it's still probably doing it's job, just unsightly. You might be able to cut/pop rivet another metal sheet to the existing inner shroud, but easier to find a second hand lid that does not have the problem.
Dude, I just called Weber and asked them to replace the lid as a warranty. I was off the phone in less than a minute- no debate. I have never worked with a company with such amazing customer service. I am happy to have purchased five grills from them.

Stephen, thank you for your quick reply. You brightened my day.

