Weber's "Time to Grill" Free for Kindle

Jamie Purviance's (author) books for Weber have been great. But the free Kindle version of the book is flawed, at least what I downloaded was, in that I could not navigate within the book. It seems to work for some of the Kindle Fire users but not for many others. Here is my review: [www_amazon_com]

And here is the link to the Kindle book: [www_amazon_com]

I think that Amazon will eventually fix it and update your download so that it works and they will probably let you know. I'm waiting for someone to add a comment to my post answering that question.

I have had similar problems and am not able to read it at all using any of the Kindle apps for my PC or Windows 8 Tablet (both brand new).
I have since received this information about updates to books:

When any updates are done to a Kindle book, Amazon will notify you via email. To get the update, you then go to Manage My Kindle here on Amazon, search for the book, and perform the update as directed.

Hopefully Amazon will eventually fix the problems and update the book. I wonder if this is a test run to see what problems the techs will have to address. Can't beat the price, especially if they do fix it.

I got the download. For some reason,while I "bought" it on my android tablet,it went to the iPad. But it works fine. I can go to the index and touch a chapter. I can then "slide" to other pages. Still checking it out,but it looks like a good bunch of recipes.
I have a regular Kindle and the download took "forever" compared to the nearly 200 other books I have on my Kindle. I called Amazon and reported the formating problem even after the long download time. It just isn't usable as it is, now. Hopefully, now that Amazon knows of the problem they'll correct it. What little I was able to read looks like a book that would be VERY useful to own.

no problems on either of my android devices (thumbed through end-to-end) but when I tried to download it on my notebook pc it said 'incompatible with this device' and 'download failed, then it moved into an archived folder...
Good for you for calling them. I hope they will follow up on your call. I suppose it would be impossible for them to read all the reviews of their products and Kindle-related things unless they were testing this book's functions.

Did you call the Kindle number? I have : 1-866-321-8851 for my old second generation Kindle. Is this a correct number? Maybe I'll give them a followup call tomorrow.

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I called the number given for customer service. It was very late at night and they still answered and talked to me (REALLY, a PERSON talked to me, WOW!). Amazon has given me MORE than excellent service in the past - they seem to be a real customer oriented company. At least, that has been my experience in more than one case.

While exploring the Amazon web site, I discovered a "used, like new copy" that shipped with my Amazon Prime for $7.38. Now, I KNOW it was probably a "one off" but if you look around the web site regarding this book, you will find some good prices considerably less than Amazon's regular price.

I'll post if I get any results on the reformatting for our Kindles.

I have a regular Kindle and the download took "forever" compared to the nearly 200 other books I have on my Kindle. I called Amazon and reported the formating problem even after the long download time. It just isn't usable as it is, now. Hopefully, now that Amazon knows of the problem they'll correct it. What little I was able to read looks like a book that would be VERY useful to own.


Yea, 77mb, pages are formatted oddly, and links don't work on the Touch. What a shame.
It's great that you talked to a real person....but what did he/she actually say about the problem? Curious minds......

I'm going to have faith in Amazon to fix this in the (near) future for the applications that don't work, since some folks are having no problems with other applications. I'll phone them too, when I get a moment. Otherwise, I'll ask for my money back. ;)

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The lady I talked to seemed to take my complaint seriously and stated that she would report it fully. I believe we'll see a "corrective download" as soon as they can get to it. In the meantime, my real book should be here tomorrow (Wednesday). I'll review it and report further.

I got my "like new" (and it was) book today and read through it (not every word, but read the highlights and several of the recipes.

The layout of the book is very useful. When you open a recipe, on the left side page is a quick recipe and on the right is a more complex recipe. They both look quite good (after a while you learn to anticipate what works, etc. just by reading). Half of the recipes can be done quickly and look yummie ("yummie" is a highly technical term meaning GOOOOOD)!:D

All in all, I am truly glad I have added this book to my grilling library. Jamie Purviance has some EXCELLENT ideas.

The front of the book describes useful tools and how to set up the grill. This will be particularly useful to the new griller.

Keep in mind, that this forum also has LOTS of "cutting edge" information that you will find no where else.


