Weber Support?



New member
I just got a Genesis II E-335. The firebox arrived cracked. I created a ticket to Weber Support 26 April and still haven't even had any acknowledgement of it. If you call the support line, they say how support is their number one concern despite COVID and it hangs up on you. What's a reasonable time frame to give them to fix the problem before giving up and returning it?
It sounds like they are having a really tough time with C/S right now. If it gives you an option for support on the Smokefire pellet grill, you could try that. I think they were reverting all their support to that line when this whole COVID crap started and they might still be doing so. At least it might get you to a real person. Otherwise, I would consider returning it. TOo bad you are not near me, I have a spare Gen II E3xx cook box.
Keep calling. It may take 40 calls. Keep calling. Prepare to wait an hour once
you make it past the phone tree.
Weber's customer service is in the toilet lately. I've called over 7 times on different days, waited on the phone 30+ minutes each time and wasn't able to talk to anyone. Have also sent a handful of emails, no response there either.

