Weber firespice wood chunks



TVWBB Member
I have just bought 3 bags of these hickory, apple and cherry.

I was grilling some chicken, burgers and sausage the other night and decided to add a chunk of the cherry for a bit of smoke. I had the coals hot and glowing and dropped a piece of the cherry wood on and closed the lid. I left it around 15 minutes to start smoking which it did but I found that the smoke coming from the kettle wasn't a delicate smell, it just smelt like I was burning wood, so I removed it before adding the food.

I put in the chimney starter to burn away and it continued buring but still smelt like burning wood.

What should I expect when I use woods chunk for cooking as I want to get the smokey taste but not spoil food by it tasting like the bottom of an ashtray
Hate to break the news to you but wood chunks are burning wood. If it is an acrid odour it could be caused by bark or to much moisture in the wood. Was smoke billowing out your top vent? If so just let the chunk burn down a little more before putting the lid on. I use cherry occasionally and it can have a strong odour to it initially but once it's burnt a bit it has a pleasant flavour.
I'm with Bob. What did you expect burning wood to smell like?

If you want a delicate smokey smell, use lump charcoal. Just don't expect your food to taste smoked. For that you need burning wood.
Some people mistake too much smoke for bad tasting smoke. Use small chunk or a handful of chips. If food still tastes bad to you, don't use any wood. Instead, rely on the bit of smoke flavor you'll get from the charcoal. Lump is good for that
There's no way you could oversmoke anything grilled with a fruit wood IMO.

In fact, I find that adding a fruit wood to my charcoal pile when grilling does very little to nothing in terms of smoke flavor.

If I grill, I usually toss in a chunk of hickory or mesquite. Again, people have different tastes, but I wouldn't mistake the smell of the smoke for what the taste of the smoke will be like. Yes some wood smell better than others, but at the end of the day you're still smelling smoke. It's never something you'd want to inhale alot of.

