Upcoming forum maintenance


Chris Allingham

Staff member
The forum's ISP will be performing a server OS upgrade soon. They cannot guarantee when the upgrade will occur, only that the forum will be down between 30-90 minutes.

Apologies in advance for any inconvenience.

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The forum's ISP will be performing a server OS upgrade soon. They cannot guarantee when the upgrade will occur, only that the forum will be down between 30-90 minutes.

Apologies in advance for any inconvenience.

How will we know when it is over?
That's a good question...even I don't know! Maybe I'll get an update from them today.
Time to feed the squirrels on the wheel.....

Chances are that the only way we'll know is that the site is unavailable for an hour or so, then it'll come back. I'd expect that @Chris Allingham has a command line, and an uptime will show this, but the rest of us may never know (especially if it occurs on the off hours.)
Let's hope the OS upgrade goes better than my pc's primary ssd changeout went. Ended up moving over to a new laptop, and many now unconnected hard disk drives... ;)
I still don't know if the upgrade has occurred. Poor communication from tech support. :rolleyes:
I'm sorry, did you say something? :D

You said server OS upgrade.... Ubuntu 22 -> 24? Should be a shutdown, take a snapshot, boot, turn down the autostarted web servers, run the upgrade, reboot. We, as the clients, really shouldn't be able to tell that occurred, except that there was some downtime.

TBH, you're who needs to be concerned. Letting us know is the sauce on the brisket.

