Understanding Kabobs


Elaine W

TVWBB Member
I do not understand how the meat, cut to the same or a somewhat larger size than the veggies, can be done at the same time as the veggies. It seems the meat should take longer to cook. Perhaps it is matching the cut of meat to the veg as a cut of potato or carrot may take longer than a tomato or mushroom. The problem may be that I have never grilled veggies and they may take longer than I imagine. Is there a cut of beef, low or high in fat, or chicken that works best with kabobs?

Guilty of over thinking the simplest things.
I usually just grill my veggies and meat on separate skewers. That way I don't have to worry about over or under cooking anything. That's how I do it at least.
Hi Elaine,

There is nothing wrong with your thinking!! America's Test Kitchen did an episode on kabobs and concluded exactly the exact same thing - veggies and meat don't cook at the same rate and should be skewered and cooked separately just as Bobby P notes.

I do separate skewers for meat and veggies also. I even seperate the veggies by type. As an example, I will put mushrooms and tomatoes on one skewer (they don't take long to cook) and peppers / squash on seperate skewers as they take a bit longer.

Good luck.

I separate as well. I rarely do kabobs, but like doing yakitori often. I even separate vegetables.
Guests seem to prefer this as well, as some people do not like certain vegis on their skewers.
I usually just grill my veggies and meat on separate skewers. That way I don't have to worry about over or under cooking anything. That's how I do it at least.

Ditto what bobby said... Unless I'm doing some shrimp then everyone go on together.
I usually just grill my veggies and meat on separate skewers. That way I don't have to worry about over or under cooking anything. That's how I do it at least.

I do something like this too. I put an onion and a pepper between every other piece of meat (onion-meat-pepper-meat-onion...), since these can caramelize in the high heat and the meat can rub up on it...for the rest of the veggies, I do separate veggie kebabs. For fish or shrimp, I do them on their own, but I imagine they will be closer to the cook time of the softer veggies.
i also do seperate skewers. but if you want to mix then make sure that the veggies are the same size and that the meat is smaller so it will cook faster.
That explains the mushy kabob veggies I have been served through the years. Thanks to you I now know how they should be made and have some options to try.

Thank you very much.
Elaine, if you kabob often you might want to pick up some Firewire. I really like mine and they clean up well in the dishwasher. Just a suggestion.

