Temperature spirit ii e-310



New member
Greetings everyone 👋
I'm curious about the maximum temperature that Spirit II e-310 and genesis grills can reach.
My Spirit grill usually doesn't go beyond 550°F, while my 1998 Skyline (old Genesis model) can effortlessly reach temperatures of 650-700°F.
I'm wondering if this is typical or expected behavior for these grills?
First off the thermometers on the hood can be terribly misleading and quite wrong as well. Best used as simple "indicators". You would need to use actual temp sensors at grate level to know for sure. As for full on max temps, kinda useless really as grilling full bore all out is trying to drive full speed on the Kennedy Expressway in Chicago at rush hour. Need to look at other factors. How controllable are they. Real versatility has nothing to do with max heat but controlling the heat
Welcome here from Israel, Uri! As alluded by Larry; first, are you confident that your temperature measurement devices are accurate between the two grills?
I agree with Larry that max temperature - especially as read by a hood thermometer - is not the best guide to things. However, there ARE variations among even Weber grills as to how hot they get. I had a Genesis Platinum that, for whatever reason, got VERY hot.
That was the case even WITHOUT these controversial GrillGrate grates (shown below) being used.

I have had others that didn't get as hot. I would have to say that Weber only claimed 550 degrees in the old days. More recently, it is possible that a lighter weight grill like the Spirit II may have had its btu power throttled down a little bit. I don't know that to be the case, however.
I think some of it may be thermometer location. I always thought the far right location on my Silver B was strange. My old Silver B used to peg the thermometer on preheat while the new grill maxes at 550-600 and 600+ with the sear burner on. Performance is about the same and indirect medium heats register about the same at around 350 on both.
Outdoor temperature and humidity play a huge role in this, affecting not only the cookbox directly, but the regulator and fuel tank. My old 2001 genesis had days where it would peg the hood thermometer and reach 700+ at the grates, and other days where it would not go higher than 475F. My Spirit 2 is the same, and when it struggles to get searing hot, I always say ‘I shouldn’t have gotten rid of my Jenny’.

