B Brian_D TVWBB Pro May 22, 2014 #1 Always bbq with kbb but got some Stubbs that I'd like to try cooking fire brick/minion method. Should I use wood chips/chunks like normal or will Stubbs give off enough smoke flavor? Thanks
Always bbq with kbb but got some Stubbs that I'd like to try cooking fire brick/minion method. Should I use wood chips/chunks like normal or will Stubbs give off enough smoke flavor? Thanks
Tyson TVWBB Super Fan May 23, 2014 #2 Wood chips/chunks. There should be little to no difference in taste from using KBB or Stubbs charcoal.
Wood chips/chunks. There should be little to no difference in taste from using KBB or Stubbs charcoal.
L L Weiner TVWBB Member May 25, 2014 #4 I prefer stubbs, probably no difference, though i don't want borax in my charcoal.