Strange Thing



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Posting in the gas grill question because it's how the question originated
This AM I log in and see a PM from a member. With a question on how to convert from NG to LP IIRC. Anyway I try to answer the PM but it's "locked" an no reply is possible
I think that new members are not able to PM for a certain period....but not sure on that. Check if he is listed as a "New Member".
Yep showed as New Member but, I have seen a new member pm me before and the message was not "locked" to prevent a reply by me. Which is why I thought it strange
I don't know that new member status has to clear to be able to PM, but it might be tied to a simple time period or number of posts before they are capable of PM'ing.

If getting an answer quick is important, you could just PM Chris A and ask him.
It's not important to me per' se' but perhaps to the person who sent it. IDK, I'll wait and see what happens. Maybe they'll simply post it up on the threads?

