Smoker + Grill ???

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Bob D

New member
Hi all I have a question I need help with. We are having some friends over Saturday for a cook out and I am smoking 4 racks of sparesribs and doing a copuple of family packs of country style ribs on the gas grill. Now as murphy's law goes something has came up and I won't be able to start cooking the ribs until about 1:00pm which is to late for our planned eating time of 5 pm or so. I was wondering about smoking them for about 2 1/2 or 3 hours and then finishing on the gas grill I don't imagine they well be as good as the one that take 6 hours or so but still have some good tatse to them. Has anyone had too do this before and if so had did they come out. Thanks for any help in advance.
Lots of people actually prefer to finish their ribs on the grill. My advice would be not to put the BBQ sauce on until their done though.

I'm sure your ribs will be great!

Good luck,
I can't figure this stuff out. I had my wsm at 230? at 1 a.m. I put two slabs of spares on. At 4 a.m. they still looked relatively pink. Temp was consistent. I decided I would catch a few winks at 5.

At 8 a.m. I woke up panicky. Sun's up, heat spike! Oh no! But it was perkin' right along at 240?.

The ribs looked great. 7 hours and they were still very juicy and tender. Go figure.
Hi Bo!

I think you are on the right path. Put them in the smoker for 3 hours....this will get the smoke flavor and will also set your bark. I would then foil them and put on the gas grill. The foiling will accelerate the cooking and also keep the direct heat off of them. A few minutes before serving, sauce them and place over direct heat on the grill. This will re-set the bark that was formed earlier.

Now, I have no idea about timing on the gasser...I would monitor those things pretty close. But, I think 1 hour in foil on the gasser will do the trick. To test for doneness, stick your probe thru them and feel the resistance.


Not unusual at all. When I cooked spares they took 8-9 hours at grate level temps of 225?. Remember, most spares we buy are huge...upwards of 3-4lbs. depending on how you trim them....they will take much longer than a 2 lb. baby back.

Glad they turned out OK!
Good point, Kevin. I always do BB's. Those were the first spares. Makes sense, just easier to let others think for me. /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif Thanks
Hi all,thanks for the help. Kevin I used your suggestion and it turned out very good everyone enjoyed the ribs. I cooked them for 3 hours between 250-275 and then warped them in foil and finished for about 50 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees they were very tender. I think if I have to cook with short notice again I will do it the same way but keep my smoker temps down a bit between 225 and 250 but they very good the way they turned out this time. I sure appreciate the help.
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